This page will be kept up to date as delivery and production for the Cult matures, and it’s meant to inform you on how I plan to keep track and help you follow what is produced during the streams and offline.
I don’t want to spread things too thin over five different social media sites and options. As much as possible things will be done through what’s offered by the sites I use for delivery, as well as the plainest possible options on this website.
Following the stream:
The stream is the beating heart of the cult. Following is as simple as joining Twitch and following the channel and turn on notifications if you want to be notified by e-mail or other means.
There’s also a widget on the menu bar to the left of the website that will tell you if the stream is live or not.
Announcements will always go through my Twitter account and streams will be announced ahead of time there, that’s the only social media external to delivery channels I plan on using.
I don’t plan on opening Facebook pages or the such, though I might have to change my mind in the future, but I will most likely have an open Google Calendar for the stream proper once the regular streams kick off and a schedule worth speaking of is in place.
Following the archives:
All streams will also be recorded and put up for posterity and repeatable enjoyment on YouTube
To be notified of when videos come online you can subscribe to the channel, but courtesy of YouTube much discussed new system: if you wish to receive notifications there is also an additional button by the side of “subscribe” for notifications that you will need to activate. I might or might not mention additions of archived videos on Twitter, we’ll see; it seems a bit redundant when YouTube already offers good tracking options.
Browsing the archives:
As videos come online I will be using plain blog posts to announce additions to the archives. Those posts will have some per-determined tags associated with them to indicate the coarse grain categories of the subjects that were treated.
The use of post tags is two-fold: It makes it very easy to use the website’s inbuilt tag cloud and tag search for you to be able to sift through content by subject, and eventually, if I decide to add some video or post gallery management, a lot of those can be run automatically by setting up a tag to auto filter.
A list of those tags and the explanation of their meaning will also be added to this page.
Offline material:
The point of the Cult is to do everything live, with no off-the-screen moments, so that people can witness and be informed on the whole process and the thoughts behind it as a rig evolves; because of that there won’t be any real offline material that is required one watches or reads to enjoy the episodes. With that said, there are things satellite to the process that I don’t want to have diluting the streams, things like small guides on what software or libraries might be in use and how to procure them or handle them, and maybe the occasional opinion piece. All of that will go up as normal videos in the archive, just with different tags and, if I’ll do playlists, in separate ones from the episodes; tracking them is the same deal of tracking the rest of the archived content.