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Pilot Season – Day 8 – Trigonometry

Day 8 of the stream, a crash course in trigonometry and why it’s important in matrix multiplication.

I backpedaled on my decision of showing implementation first and explain later.

We to start from a healthy dose of very practical theory with Trigonometry, and introduce the actual scalar guts of matrix operations. This prepares the ground for the next stream, where all of this will be applied.

For more and more specific math learning I can’t recommend Khan Academy warmly enough, which also happens to be free.

Keep up to date with Streams and events on the calendar page. And if you’re enjoying the content remember to play the Media/YouTube game and please subscribe, like and share, it makes a great deal of difference.

Pilot Season – Day 7 – Component Rigging

Day Seven of the stream, a rigging heavy session, is now available on the YouTube Archives.

We introduce, solely for the purpose of application, matrix multiplication. We build up from where we left with inversion in previous streams, and then proceed into a solid 70 minutes run of pure nodelling goodness!


Remember to keep up to date with Streams and events on the calendar page. And if you’re enjoying the content remember to play the Media/YouTube game and please subscribe, like and share, it makes a great deal of difference.


Pilot Season – Day 6 – IK Pedals Rig

Day Six of the stream, a rigging heavy session where we nodel together the IK set up for the pedals, is now available on the YouTube Archives.

We finally manage to apply the theory from the previous stream, pile up some more, and apply again.
Somewhat long stream and eating into QnA to cover for that, but I’m glad we’re done with the first surface skimming for vectors and a bit of matrices.

Your feedback in the comments or on Twitter for videos like this is important. There’s a fine balance to be struck between blackboarding and application, and only the audience can tell whether it’s working or not.

Without further ado:

Day 6 – Wiring up IK pedals and applying vector math

Pilot Season – Day 5 – Vectors

Day five of the stream is now available on the YouTube, lots of black-boarding to introduce vectors.

Initially planned to be half math on the black board and half practical application in Maya, the fates conspired against me.
At minute 52 the entire host of my HID peripherals get really freaked out, so feel free to jump from there straight to minute 58.

Before the crash, however, we managed to cover a good stretch of fundamentals of vector math.

It’s a short, and very black board heavy session, but if there was one video I would consider a prerequisite for coming videos, this one would be it!

Now available for your viewing pleasure, enjoy: